Beware of Seatco in Baileys Crossroads, VA

Discussion in 'NorthEast' started by Immo, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. Immo

    Immo Made in Detroit

    Likes Received:
    Nov 13, 2007
    DC Via Detroit
    They do good work, BUT negotiate the price up front. They did some work for me… The owner told me that he thought it would take 4 hours and his hourly rate was $85. I waited while they did the work. The work took 3 hours, but they charged me for 4 hours anyway. My car was in his shop for a total of 3.5 hours, but I watched the tech take several breaks to chat on his cell phone and also stopped to eat lunch. When I questioned it the owner started a screaming match with me. Complaining about his overhead, etc.

    He stated that he told me four hours, so that was what I owed. I asked him if it took 6 hours, would he charge for four, and he said "no I would then charge you for six". So what is the difference?

    I sent him a letter the next day:


    Why did you ignore your own policy yesterday? You have a sign on your wall that clearly states your hourly rate of $85.00 an hour. I agreed to pay that hourly rate. The job took 3 hours and yet you charged me for 4 hours. If your employee ran into issues installing my parts and the job took 6, I would have paid for 6 hours because I agreed to an hourly rate not knowing how long the job would take.

    I am in the service business as well (and have been for almost 17 years). If I tell a client I think it will take 4 hours to complete a job and it takes 3, I bill them for 3. If I tell a client it will be $400.00 to fix their computer network, I charge them $400 regardless of how long it takes. That is how you perform ethical business with good customer service.

    You kept referring to dealerships and how they have fixed pricing for a job. I don't pay for their employees to eat lunch, chat on their cell phone, or have extended conversations with others (which is exactly what happened yesterday). I pay for a job to be completed.

    This should have been a Firm Fixed Price, or True Time and Materials. If your employee would have worked on the job non-stop, it would have been 3 hours (excluding that time that I paid for him to take a lunch break and to make personal calls on his cell phone). The car was pulled in at 10:00 am and was done at 1:30. If you take out 30 mins for the lunch break and phone calls, that is 3 hours. Why should I have to pay for his lunch and personal use phone time? As his employer, you were not willing to pay for that and I do not feel it is fair practice to have those charges and then some passed on to me.
  2. CentralTexHemi

    CentralTexHemi PUNISHER

    Likes Received:
    Dec 19, 2007
    If you paid by credit card you could try and dispute the charges with them
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2008