
Discussion in 'The SRTConnection Lounge' started by MotherMopar, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. MotherMopar

    MotherMopar The One, The Only... MOMO

    Likes Received:
    Oct 14, 2007
    Eastlake Proper
    I know how to car shop, I'm just open-air-venting this experience so I don't get caught up in the moment and just do something foolish... its therapeutic.

    OH COME ON! $20,500 and it'd been a deal! LOL

    BTW: It was freakin' ridiculous... Rick drove the M3, we got back, he parked it. Got out of the car, opened the hood, looked here, there... then within 3 minutes was calling his wife! LMAO! Oh that was classic! I even took a pic, although its since been deleted, I believe. TOO FUNNY!

    Automobiles... life altering and pocket draining!
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
  2. Quick

    Quick Mgmt. - I can't help you

    Likes Received:
    Nov 6, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    1) NEVER talk trade.
    "you have a trade in?" answer: "No. Let's talk cash price".
    You want to verify that, go back and tell him "I don't think I'm going to buy another car. In fact, the wife and I are going to downsize to just 1 car so I'll take your $24K offer on my charger". See how that goes over...

    2) When you get to the entire deal you are willing to settle for THEN ask how much you can get for your trade in...