My tale of the GSM experience...

Discussion in 'The SRTConnection Lounge' started by 1bad4dr, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. HalV48

    HalV48 They Call Me Patron

    Likes Received:
    Oct 10, 2007
    Chandler, Arizona
    You know I thought they where pretty much the same. Roots and Twin Screw. There are some differences. I just revisited the I-Charger site and it states a quad rotor twin screw design. I was told in the beginning it was a Roots type SC, and I don't remember by who.


    The I-Charger features ultra-efficient twin-screw rotors, and seamlessly integrates the traditionally separate components of: the intake manifold, blower housing assembly, intercooler and intake. The entire, compact package sits neatly, and somewhat menacingly, between the heads on
    V-type engines. No modification to any existing OEM components, including the hood, is required.

    Superchargers online explains the difference

    So I don't know for sure now. :dumb:

    I need clairfication. I guess I covered myself in my signature. "Root's Type Twin Screw". LOL

    The heads are designed to move much more air. The cam makes power from 2400 to over 6500. You can't do that NA. I was told when this car is done. It will scare the shit out of me. And you all know, I'm really full of shit.
  2. Tork Monster

    Tork Monster New Member

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    Jun 28, 2008
    I haven't read all the posts in this thread, but enough to see that Ron's post triggered another GSM discussion and a few other tangents that he didn't intend.

    Ron has gone through hell with his blown motor(s) and has persisted. And he is here now saying positive things about the whole thing and about his dealing with GSM.

    I believe that the biggest key to success is persistance. And one indication of a man's character is if he can take a positive view of a difficult journey.

    Oh, and he has a really cool car.

    P.S. Ron paid me to post this
  3. 1bad4dr

    1bad4dr Mr. Meany

    Likes Received:
    Oct 10, 2007
    Corn Country
    lmao Too funny TM...

    Thanks for keeping the first two paragraphs of my post alive.