Support Our Troops Delaware

Discussion in 'NorthEast' started by claude9039u, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    OK North East guy’s on September 6 2008 The VA Hospital in Wilmington, Del will be having a Welcome the Afghanistan and Iraq troops home event from 12 noon to 4PM. This is a FREE family event there will be a Military Band, Police Dogs, Air Force Helicopter, Car show and several events for kids from face painting to games. Food is 100% FREE. The event is FREE to everyone that comes!

    The Car Show is sponsored by High Horse Performance (HHP) there will be Trophies and you will be given a Military Coin!!

    VA Hospital
    1601 Kirkwood Hwy
    Wilmington, Delaware 19805

    September 6, 2008

    1PM to 4PM
    Car show parking at 10AM

    There is space for 150 cars and the area will be marked off for car clubs and type and year for vehicles. So this is going to be a great event.

    Remember this is for our service men and women and we would like to give them great cars to see after being in Afghanistan and Iraq serving our country. Let’s support them and give them some cars to see!
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  2. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    Well guys I and not hearing from you I know its over 30 days away but this is for our troops. I have gotten the following clubs to come and they will be bring now less that 20 cars. Come to support our troops!! This is a totaly free event! Food and all whats the deal. It would be so sad if LX'er were not the most cars there

    Brit Car club
    Historic Assc.
    Delco Hot Rods

    So this is starting to be a very big event for welcoming are troops home!
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  3. 6.1luvr

    6.1luvr Baptized by Fire

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2007
    Sounds like a blast, if I lived closer I would be there.
  4. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    Sorry for my late response I am watching a bunch of post on a bunch of sites. Anyway no need to reg. This is a event for the troops and all is welcome. I will of course park everyone together. No worries ok lol. From what I can tell we are arounf 4 GCSRT8's which is cool. I am getting alot a feed back from other groups as we get closer. There are going to be some really cool cars I even got a lotus lol. And now I have 2 corvette clubs. The big club is the brandwine historic club they will be bring model T's!

    I am asking people to get there around 10 am where I am parking the cars they are wraping around the event. Man I can't wait.

    Also for the record its not the DVMMC that is doing the event this is a VA event just so we are all clear. I am going to need so help parking cars so if you can get there at 10AM and want to help I would be very very greatful.
  5. Immo

    Immo Made in Detroit

    Likes Received:
    Nov 13, 2007
    DC Via Detroit
  6. nevinsrt

    nevinsrt Getaway driver for hire

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2007
    Albuquerque, NM
    man if i lived out there me and the wife would be all over that!!!


  7. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 14, 2008
  8. Immo

    Immo Made in Detroit

    Likes Received:
    Nov 13, 2007
    DC Via Detroit
    Anyone driving in from the DC area, let me know if you want to caravan.
  9. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 14, 2008
    We are up to 160 cars and growing lol it will be a great event.
  10. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    OK I got alot of calls and email's today on if there is a rain date. The answer is no we are going forward and hoping that all will be fine and there is no rain. So I hope that everyone keeps there plan's to come. Think good thoughts.
  11. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    Ok I have been given the official word. The event has been cancelled and moved to the 13th the following Saturday because of the weather. I am sorry but we did not want to take a chance on people not show up and you guys getting your cars wet. So I hope that you all will still be able to make it. I do understand that some of you may have plans for the 13th and I understand if you can’t make it. So if at all possible please let me know if you are still coming and the numbers of cars able to make it. That way I can start trying to invite other car clubs. Again sorry for the change.
  12. Paxton

    Paxton Addicted to speed

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2008
    I'll be there next Saturday Claude. It's a shame...I started detailing my car this week since it takes alot of time and its just about ready to go as we speak. Oh well, I'll have to do it again. Damn Hanna, I'm going to kick her ASS!
  13. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    Thanks guys I hope to see the same amount of people show up.
  14. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    We had are last meeting today on the Welcome home the troops event / Car show for the 13th and it’s a go. Tomorrow morning the pass out will be printed so if you didn’t get me you correct club name I am sorry that you will not be listed. I am requesting that car’s start showing up at 10AM for parking as we will be wrapping the cars around the event. I have 120 doughnuts coming with coffee and ice water to hold us over until the food gets served. I will still need help parking cars and directing cars to the location of the event.

    Here is a list of the conformed events that will be taking place.

    Car Show will have 26 trophies: top 20 and the following six will be given out in the following names: Car Show Special Trophies

    People’s Choice Dale Shoup Award Best of Show Awards Congressional Medal of Honor Vehicles:

    United States Army Award Honoring

    Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith

    United States Navy Award Honoring

    H.C. 3rd Class Edward C. Benfold

    United States Marine Corps Award Honoring

    Sgt. Major Daniel J. Daly

    United States Air Force Award Honoring

    1C John L. Levitow

    United States Coast Guard Award Honoring

    Signalman 1st Class Douglas A. Munro

    The Val Crows—Concert
    Delaware State Police Community Mobile Police Unit
    Face Painting
    Military Vehicle Display
    New Castle County Mounted Police
    Olympiad Gymnastic Exhibition
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2011
  15. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    OK we are still on and even though its raining now. Weather man says no rain tomarrow. So I hope to see everyone tomarrow. Remember its for the troops that give us the freedom to have Car Show's!!!
  16. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    Well for any fools that did not make this event, because they were not able to support are troops! SHAME ON YOU!!! This was a free event 100% food and all! SO all I have to say is you missed 148 bad car's! If you were there then thank you very, very much for supporting the people that make sure we have the freedom's we do_Our troops make it possible for us to buy the cars we have, and to be able to stand around with the freedom to look at car's!!! And one very lucky vet was able to win a SRT Experience so it was a very good event supporting are troops!
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2008
  17. Paxton

    Paxton Addicted to speed

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2008
    I had a great time Claude and was glad to come out to support the troops! There was alot of very nice LX cars and I met some really nice people from the NJ Charger club. Hopefully this will be a yearly event and I thank you personnally for helping put this all together.
  18. bornagainultimatum

    bornagainultimatum The Servant

    Likes Received:
    Sep 9, 2008

    You did a fantastic job with the Welcome Home the Troops Car Show!! All of us vets had a great time. It was nice to see the Iraq and Afghanistan vets sitting on the stage. Their stories touched my heart. And to see all of the disabled vets in wheelchairs getting a chace to go around and see the cars and enjoy the activites; man, that was awesome. I was proud to get one of the Medal of Honor trophies. To hear the stories of the Medal of Honor winners was an amazing touch to the whole show. There were so many cars (148), that I didn't even get to see them all. All of the food was excellent; hotdogs, meatball sandwiches, donuts, soda, chips, pretzels, cotton candy. The face painting booth, the police horses, the gymnastics show, the state police K9 show; there really was something for everyone. Man, you really know how to put on a show. And with all of the information booths, it was very informative too. I learned a lot about services available to vets. My hat is off to you, my brother. And seeing Josh from HHP pull up in that stage 2 Challenger was a treat. HHP has also done an amazing job with GhostfaceMag's car. Man, that thing sounds and runs wicked (Lord I mean that in a good way). I really enjoyed sitting around afterwards at the HHP barbecue with Josh, you, and the NJCHARGERS group. They are a great bunch of people. It was also great to meet Jay Albert and see his orange and silver Magnum. He has struggled through some difficult times with his wife's illness and I am keeping them in my prayers. Through it all, he has always offered to help others with their cars. Thanks again Claude for making this great event possible. You have touched many lives and connected many people.

  19. claude9039u

    claude9039u Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2008
    RTCHAS I want to thank you for coming and bring the SRT8 and the Dakota R/T. But for all that don't know RTCHAS won the SRT Experience and turned it down because he did it already. This made it possible for another Vet to experience this very great event SRT puts out. Man it would have been hard for anyone to turn down that $500 and give it away. I want everyone to know what kind of a stand up person you are! And thanks for being who you are!! What comes around goes around and I am sure you will be rewarded 100% for what you did!